Image: The ATSpace Kestrel I rocket on the launchpad at Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex
On 15 December 2022 ATSpace prepared a Kestrel I rocket for the VS02 mission from the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex in South Australia.
During the oxidiser filling process, a leak was detected and the launch preparations were halted. After further investigation it was determined that the launch should be postponed.
Southern Launch and ATSpace will now shift their focus to launch the VS03 mission before the campaign window closes on December 20.
Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp says, ‘We are incredibly excited that we still have the opportunity to launch the VS03 mission before the end of the year.’
ATSpace CEO Dr Yen-Sen Chen says, ‘Launching to space is a challenging task. The VS03 mission is another chance for us to test our systems to achieve technical maturity.’
The timing for the VS03 launch will be confirmed in the coming days. For the most up-to-date information see the Southern Launch social media channels.
The VS03 mission bings together four South Australian companies aiming to launch a rocket and state-of-the-art payloads to space. On board the ATSpace Kestrel I rocket will be an Inovor Technologies spacecraft integrated with payloads designed by Asension and Southern Launch.
ATSpace and Southern Launch will determine when a launch of the ATSpace Kestrel I VS02 rocket will be reattempted.