The Australian Transport Safety Bureau and the Australian Certified UAV Operators Inc (ACUO), the peak industry body for unmanned aviation, have joined forces in pursuit of their common goal to improve transport safety as the unmanned sector of aviation continues to grow.
Through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), ACUO and the ATSB, while acknowledging their independent roles, will use their collective expertise and resources to enhance safety outcomes within the aviation sector, aiming to reduce incidents involving RPAS.
ACUO, having the largest membership of certified UAV operators in Australia, will assist the ATSB to leverage industry expertise, and support a range of functions such as research, education, reporting and assistance with ATSB investigations.
“ACUO draws on a diverse group of members to provide invaluable insights into the operation of RPAS involved in commercial operations across Australia” says President Joe Urli. “It is through this collective knowledge and experience that we can provide the ATSB with the information and support needed to achieve better safety outcomes as the industry grows.”
ATSB Chief Commissioner, Greg Hood, said the MoU signing shows the commitment of both organisations to work together on improving transport safety. “The ATSB and the ACUO are cognisant of the growth in the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles,” Mr Hood said. “We are both invested in enacting better safety outcomes in this rapidly growing area of aviation. Through a constructive and cooperative relationship, the MoU provides a platform for working in this space.”
The ACUO looks forward to working constructively with the ATSB to provide them with a calibre of trusted guidance and expertise. This collaborative approach will be integral in facilitating this next important stage of growth with the industry, safely and efficiently.
About ACUO:
The Association of Australian Certified UAV Operators Inc. (ACUO) is a not-for-profit association launched in 2009 by seven of the first eight certified Australian UAV Operators. The association was formally registered in Queensland on the 31st March 2010.
ACUO is bound by its Constitution to:
- Establish the association as a responsible authority and;
- Promote the growth and expansion of the commercial UAV/UAS/RPAS industry in Australia
- Protect the interests of CASA Certified UAV/RPAS Operators
ACUO is a Non-Corporate Partner Organisation member of UVS International, the global unmanned systems industry associated headquartered in Paris. ACUO is Australia’s representative on the International RPAS Coordination Council, a prestigious industry body initiated by UVS International to coordinate RPAS standards globally. ACUO also participates in a variety of international RPAS committees focusing on issues of importance to the commercial sector of unmanned aviation, including RPAS Insurance, RPAS Flight-Crew Training and RPAS Airworthiness and Maintenance.
ACUO regularly provides advice on UAS related issued to governments, public and private enterprise, businesses and organizations on the fundamentals of UAV/UAS/RPAS operations in the Australian national airspace, and associated issues.