Threat Intelligence Principal Security Consultant, Andrew van der Stock, has been appointed to the 2014 Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) International Board of Directors. In his International Board Director role Andrew will focus on the core mission of tight integration with developers and the guiding principles of openness and integrity for the international community.
OWASP facilitates application security tools, documents, forums and chapters that are free and open for industry players interested in improving application security.
“My goal is to develop initiatives to be the standards body of relevance for all applications whether they are web, mobile, cloud or systems applications and to also work closely with the PCI Security Council, ISO and NIST to help set the agenda for the next decade or more of secure development,” he commented.
CEO and Founder of Threat Intelligence, Ty Miller said: “Andrew’s appointment as an OWASP International Board Director aligns with the Threat Intelligence goal to push the boundaries of the Australian Security industry. It is key to our focus on being recognized globally for our unique skills and experience. This is the benchmark that we have set for client engagements with the team and we expect positive outcomes as a result.”
Andrew has been deeply involved with OWASP since 2002, leading the OWASP Top 10 2007 project, initiated and led the OWASP ESAPI for PHP effort, currently leads the OWASP Developer Guide and is a key contributor to the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard 2.0 and OWASP Proactive Controls projects. Andrew has previously held the Executive Director position at OWASP, and was a member of the OWASP Global Chapters Committee.
Andrew was awarded the SC Magazine / AusCERT Award for Individual Excellence in Information Security 2013. He was nominated for an OWASP WASPY Award 2013 for best project leader. Andrew is a regular speaker and trainer at industry conferences, including BlackHat, linux.conf.au, AusCERT, and OWASP AppSec USA. He is the long time moderator of the Symantec SecurityFocus webappsec mailing list.