Ubotica Gets Funding to Participate in MESEO Project


Space technology AI company Ubotica has received Horizon Europe funding as part of the MESEO project that integrates AI into Earth observation systems.

The MESEO project is a Horizon Europe-backed initiative to develop an open, flexible, and scalable multi-mission Earth observation system for large-scale data processing.

By focusing on applications such as environmental monitoring, disaster response, and sustainable development, MESEO aims to maximise the value derived from space-based data.

By refining various stages of the end-to-end process, the MESEO project aims to reduce communication bandwidth requirements and integrate advanced technologies by leveraging solutions such as Ubotica’s SPACE:AI to optimise power consumption, processing capabilities, and system usability.

Ubotica will be responsible for developing and deploying AI-driven image triaging and in-line processing for onboard processing functions. SPACE: AI’s onboard processing capabilities enable intelligent data triage, prioritising and transmitting only the most relevant Earth observation data for immediate analysis and action.

“We are excited to contribute to MESEO’s ambitious objectives and we look forward to the innovative advancements this partnership will bring to the space industry,” said Ubotica Co-Founder and CTO Dr Aubrey Dunne. “Our AI-driven solutions are poised to revolutionise how data is processed on board, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness, and the MESEO system will significantly benefit from the integration of these solutions.”


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