In February, the first successful oil tanker hijacking for 2015 was reported in the Strait of Malacca that separates Indonesia from Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Pirates siphoned 2,000 metric tons of bunker oil and five metric tons of diesel from the fuel tanker’s cargo, leaving an explosive package while escaping, which was fortunately only impromptu and didn’t hurt any of the crew.
15.2 million barrels of crude oil and petroleum are transported daily through the Strait of Malacca as it is the shortest sea route between Persian Gulf suppliers and East Asian markets, but Asia is steadily becoming the piracy capital of the world. According to Vice News, 75% of global pirate attacks happen in Asian waters and the figures are increasing. 183 of the 245 cases of actual and attempted pirate attacks in 2014 took place in the region.
The Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Security 2015 Forum organised by IRN on 21st-22nd May in Bangkok, will address all security issues that oil companies face while operating in the region, including highly topical sessions on safety and security in Southeast Asian Waters; cargo crime in Malaysia – the insider threat and maritime security in the South China Sea.
Security experts will also participate in a panel discussion that will discuss latest security technologies for offshore installations with solutions to the problem of unauthorised visits.
More information about the Forum can be found on the website www.oilgassecurity.com and about the organisers, IRN, at www.irn-international.com. IRN offers daily updates about the project in their LinkedIn Group – Global Security Networking Platform and their Twitter account – @IRN_Security.