The release of a consultation paper exploring development of a Queensland State unmanned systems industry strategy highlights the need for a corresponding national plan for the rapidly growing sector according to the association of Australian Certified UAV Operators (ACUO).
“The Queensland Government initiative launching a comprehensive consultation process on the future of the unmanned air, ground and maritime systems industries is a welcome step forward” says ACUO President, Mr Joe Urli.
“However, the absence of an explicit national policy framework, direction or strategy for this sector is a significant policy shortfall on the part of all Australian governments and the steps now being taken by Queensland needs to be matched at Commonwealth level and in all states. A national strategy would provide a meaningful basis for policy coordination and unmanned systems industry growth.
“We have just seen South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory announce agreement on cooperative approaches to the development of space industry activities, thus recognising that in the face of global competition states alone do not have the capacity or the resources to help industry thrive.
Conversely, the Australian Government recently launched a national space industry capability consultation. The space industry is now seeing infant coordination efforts which the sector clearly requires, yet the unmanned systems industry faces equally demanding challenges.
“Queensland’s leadership in undertaking a state based consultation process is appreciated and respected, and ACUO will play a constructive role in helping ensure its success.”