NASA’s Pam Melroy to Visit Japan and Korea for Space Talks


NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy is visiting Japan and Korea to promote international space exploration and technological development cooperation.

During her week-long visit, starting July 11, 2024, Melroy will meet with ministers and other senior government officials in both countries, including leaders from JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and KASA (Korea AeroSpace Administration) to strengthen partnerships and highlight civil space cooperation.

In Tokyo, Melroy will participate in the Secure World Foundation’s 6th Summit for Space Sustainability, which will highlight NASA’s leadership in responsible and sustainable operations amid rapid technological advancements, many of which NASA champions.

NASA announced in April that Japan will design, develop, and operate a pressurized rover to explore the lunar surface. The activity is part of a shared goal for a Japanese national to be the first non-American to land on the Moon as part of a future Artemis mission, assuming important benchmarks are achieved. In addition, NASA and JAXA are working on climate research and space science missions.

Melroy will also speak alongside other space agency leaders at the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research in Busan, Korea, emphasizing opportunities for international and commercial collaboration in space research.

The visit to Korea coincides with the recent establishment of KASA and builds upon decades of collaboration with NASA in exploration, Earth and space science, and aeronautics.


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