NASA has awarded a six-month extension to ADNET Systems Inc. of Bethesda, Maryland, for the Space and Earth Science Data Analysis (SESDA IV) contract.
As a result of this extension, the current cost-plus-fixed-fee contract value is increased by $36 million to a total value of $308 million, and the period of performance is extended through March 31, 2023.
The contractor will continue to support a broad range of science disciplines, including solar and space plasma physics, astrophysics and astronomy, planetary studies, atmospheric science and climatology, oceanography, land processes, geodynamics and solid earth geographics.
The contractor will continue to provide for the development and use of scientific computer systems; engineering data analysis systems; engineering efforts to develop new technologies for scientific instrumentation; software application development and implementation; and computer system management for science exploration research.
The work will continue to be performed at the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.