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Push for Australians’ web browsing histories to be stored
Intelligence agency ASIO is using the Snowden leaks to bolster its case for laws forcing…
Drones use on the rise
Unmanned aerial vehicles are being deployed for a variety of jobs including monitoring flying foxes,…
Airlines use digital technology to get even more personal
As the door of his limousine opened outside Virgin Atlantic’s business class lounge at Heathrow…
Triton unmanned aerial vehicles to boost maritime surveillance capabilities
Researchers look to unmanned drones for shark detection
Unmanned drones could be used to protect Perth beaches from sharks, according to a WA…
Unmanned aircraft focus of Congressional Hearing at FAA Tech Center
A congressional hearing held at the FAA Technical Center Tuesday afternoon examined the important the…
Inmarsat Global Government and Hughes join forces to manufacture a BGAN terminal for discreet operations
Inmarsat the leading provider of global mobile satellite communications services, has announced that it has…
First F-35 Lightning II arrives at Luke AFB
Escorted by two F-16s, Luke AFB’s first F-35 Lightning II has arrived from the Lockheed…
Robot attends entrepreneur conference as guest
SciFi and Entrepreneurship – Is Resistance Futile?” One of the attendees will be a robot…
Bosch brings the internet into the car
Twenty years ago, the internet revolutionized computing. Over the next few years, it will revolutionize…
Minister for Defence – Release of the United States’ 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review
Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston, has welcomed the release of the United States’ 2014…
How airships are set to revolutionise science
The Naval Air Engineering Station in Lakehurst New jersey must be one of the most…
Motorola Solutions unveils police car of the future in Australia
Motorola Solutions has launched its emergency vehicle of the future with the unveiling of a fully…
Drone cargo ships will make the real world work like the iInternet
As reported by Bloomberg, the company best known for luxury cars is designing drone cargo ships…