The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, has announced BAE Systems Australia Ltd has been awarded a five year, $70 million contract to maintain the new Air Warfare Destroyers.
Minister Pyne said this is an important step towards the delivery of the first destroyer to the Royal Australian Navy in 2017.
“The appointment of BAE Systems Australia as the managing contractor for the initial sustainment of the Air Warfare Destroyers is great news for Australian industry,” Minister Pyne said.
“It shows that not only can hard working Australians build these complex warships, but we can maintain them in-house as well.
“This also represents yet another milestone for the Air Warfare Destroyer program as it simultaneously commences its transition from acquisition to sustainment while continuing to consolidate, fit-out and test the destroyers in Adelaide,” he said.
Minister Pyne said BAE Systems Australia will work with Defence to engage other Australian-based companies to provide maintenance and support for the Air Warfare Destroyers as they enter service in the coming years.
“The Air Warfare Destroyers will be the most advanced and capable warships ever operated by the Royal Australian Navy,” Minister Pyne said.
“Under the contract, Australian industry will play a key role in ensuring that these warships are available for use by the Navy when required.
“The maintenance and support of the Air Warfare Destroyers will provide approximately 50 full-time Australian jobs in Sydney with additional work during extended maintenance periods.
“This contract represents another clear example of the Turnbull Government’s commitment to Australia’s defence industry,” Minister Pyne said.