DRONE VOLT will exhibit its range of civilian drones for surveillance and security at the Eurosatory International Exhibition of Defense and Security (France), booth K840 Hall 5A.
Drones have become an essential solution for observation, reconnaissance and identification.
DRONE VOLT will present its full range of professional drones complete with their latest innovations at Eurosatory:
- The Z18 UF is an autonomous surveillance station designed to monitor infrastructure or sensitive sites. Utilizing the hover mode our tethered drone ensures non stop monitoring.
- The TEAR GAS drone allows security forces to spray tear gas or pepper spray safely and with great accuracy.
- The JANUS 360 Drone is dedicated to virtual reality content creation and will be important in helping with field simulation techniques for training simulators.
With these important products, DRONE VOLT will certainly expand its customer base in the markets of surveillance and security.
Paris Nord Villepinte Exhibition Park – France
HALL 5A – Stand K840
from 13 to 17 June 2016 – from 9:00 to 18:00 for the press
More information on : http://www.dronevolt.com/en/expert-solutions/the-drone-at-the-service-of-security-and-surveillance/
Regarding DRONE VOLT:
Created in 2011, and established in France, in Canada, in Denmark, in the United States and in Switzerland, DRONE VOLT is specialized in manufacturing and marketing civilian drones for professional use. As a complete partner, the company provides solutions to its customers for critical tasks and applications including service of products and the training of pilots. The young innovative firm, which had 3,7 million euro revenues in 2015 (+111 % growth y-o-y), is the leader in the European broadcasting and service drone industry. It also provides the administration and the execution of aerial photography and videography. Among its customers, the Company includes CERN, FRANCE TELEVISIONS, the Police station of the Air Transport (GTA), SPIE, TF1, etc. DRONE VOLT is qualified as an “Innovative Entreprise” by Bpifrance.
More information on www.dronevolt.com