The Australian Government has released a second set of discussion papers for public consultation as part of its ongoing Measurement Law Review into Australia’s measurement framework.
The Measurement Law Review seeks to streamline, simplify and modernise the framework to meet current and future needs of industry and consumers. Three discussion papers have been released, each addressing a specific issue under review: Traceable Measurements, Measuring Instruments and Measurement-Based Transactions.
These follow on from the first discussion paper – Scope of Australia’s Measurement Laws – released in 2018, which attracted a wide range of ideas and input for redeveloping the measurement framework.
The new consultation equally invites public input on a range of issues, from what measurements should apply when buying particular goods or services (Measurement-Based Transactions), to how we can safeguard confidence in the measuring instruments used to price those goods and services (Measuring Instruments), as well as how to ensure our measurements are consistent with international standards (Traceable Measurements).
National Measurement Institute (NMI) Chief Executive Officer and Chief Metrologist, Dr Bruce Warrington, said the discussion papers were an opportunity for Australians to have their say on what works and what can be improved about the use and regulation of measurement in everyday life.
“The issues raised by these papers affect every Australian” Dr Warrington said.
“Measurement is a key pillar for our economic and social wellbeing, from industry and research to our health and the environment.”
Dr Warrington noted the broad role of the NMI in ensuring effective and trusted measurement in Australia, from calibrating measuring instruments to delivering specialised chemical analysis to working with industry on new measurement methods.
“The NMI’s role in administering measurements for trade helps make sure that Australians get what they pay for when buying goods and services by measure.”
Submissions for the second round of public consultation close on 31 May 2019.
Visit www.industry.gov.au/measurement-law-review to access the discussion papers and find out more.