The defence industry welcomes comments in the media on the 17th of August that a Defence Department report confirms building Australia’s next fleet of submarines locally will have the best economic outcomes.
Kerryn Smith Australian Made Defence spokesperson, said the report, delivered to the previous Abbott Government and released under Freedom of Information to Senator Nick Xenophon, reinforced the industry position that Australia’s economic and strategic interests would be best served by a local build.
“We know building our submarines here promotes innovation, building and sustaining local skills and jobs that in turn stimulate our economy,” said Ms Smith.
“While this report includes forecasts based on the construction of only six submarines – which clearly from a strategic defence perspective would never have been adequate – it still makes a strong case for the economic benefits Australia will see as a result.
“It’s not just South Australia that capitalises from this project – there will be benefits to the Defence supply chain across the nation. The future submarine project, along with other naval shipbuilding work such as the Offshore Patrol Vessels and the Pacific Patrol Boats will promote thousands of jobs across the country and enhance skills for decades to come.
“By committing to a local build the Government has made an important investment in the defence industry, with a key focus on innovation and development that will make Australian industry globally competitive.
“There is clear strategic importance in having a strong, local capability to deliver Australia’s Defence requirements.
“A domestic build of our submarines is the right choice for Australia, and will not only have substantial economic benefits, but will ensure that we are developing the best capabilities for our Defence Force,” said Ms Smith.