The AIIA has submitted a response to the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Strategy Review.
The AIIA recognises Government is busy and fragmented, however a more focused effort is needed to tackle cyber security. As the sophistication and volume of cyber threats increases, a much more proactive strategy is needed to build a dynamic and robust framework which would allow increased information sharing across industry and government as well as accountability to share learnings and build resilience. One of the ways this could be achieved is through developing an approach for information to be shared regarding cyber threats, and balancing the openness and concerns regarding damage to reputation and potential costs associated with breaches.
The association has identified six key priority areas of focus for the Review, including:
- The need to respond to the pace of technology change.
- The need to respond to the increasing sophistication of cyber related crime.
- The need to clarify roles and responsibilities, including within Government where these are dispersed across a wide range of agencies/departments and between government and industry.
- Developing approaches so information can be shared regarding cyber threats, and balancing the openness and concerns regarding damage to reputation and potential costs associated with breaches.
- Getting the regulatory framework right – balancing enforceable obligations with the need for a framework that is responsive and adaptive to change.
- The need to address the skills deficit in cyber security – the demand for professionals who have the skills to identify, analyse, manage and prevent cyber related attacks is increasing but educating and recruiting takes time and the right courses need to be available.
To read the full submission please click the link: AIIA Cyber Security Submission